You may apply for aid if you have ever been a motor racing participant and are currently experiencing financial hardship due to illness or injury. This holds true whether or not the condition is related to racing.
Licensed participants of the INDYCAR sanctioned motorsports community including race car drivers and their families, race team members, accredited media, INDYCAR personnel, event promoter staff, and other licensed entrants supporting the INDYCAR motorsports industry.
The Foundation’s by-laws dictate that no single application or grant award would exceed five percent of the overall foundations total balance sheet for an annual period or current calendar year. Amounts of applicant grants are determined on an individual following full, unbiased evaluation of the hardship need.
Each award is decided on an individual basis. An application must be filled out and submitted for an award to be evaluated. Before the foundation will grant an award, an assigned, third-party social worker evaluates the potential cases in order to advise how the applicants could best benefit from support. The social worker will contact the applicant to evaluate where the need is greatest. In the case of disability, both medical bills and household expenses and sources of income are evaluated. Following evaluation, a recommendation is made to the INDYCAR Benevolent Foundation as to the dollar amount and length of time for the grant.